Monday, 18 November 2013



everyday I get a lot of emails where the people ask me How to Hack an Email password? You as the reader are most likely reading this because you want to hack into someone�s email. So I have decided to let you know a few methods of hacking... just easy methods, I can not reveal how a proffesional work is running.

Nowadays, passwords are the only form of security on most websites and computer systems. It has become one of the most common and easiest ways for a hacker to gain unauthorized access to your computer or network.

But before to step further, there are a few things you should be aware of 

1. There are only a few websites who provide readymade software that can hack emails just with a click of a button. But due to the nature of this business those sites do not provide hacking software to any visitor of their site. So if you come across a site selling �Email Hacking software� for a few hundreds dollar, please don�t trust it. Such softwares costs more than a thousand dollars to create and cannot be sold for 3-400 USD.

2. Never trust any email hacking service that you see for the very first time. Nowadays there are many fake email hacking services. Do not pay anybody without seeing your target�s inbox screenshots. If you still have any doubt (because maybe you did not recognize anything from the provided snapshot) ask them to send you a snapshot of your own email that you have sent to the targeted person. Not all of the email hacking services are scam, You only have to watch out for the scammers. Usually everyone that send you a email pretending to be from inside of your target`s account , is a scammer because it is easy to forge the headers of an email.

Let me expose a few methods to "hack" an email password...

Before we get into cracking passwords with programs, I will explain a couple old-fashioned ways to obtain someone�s password.

Social engineering is the name given to the art of attacking the person, rather than the computer or system. The basic principle is that many people can be talked into giving someone else their id and password if they think it is someone that they can trust.
The classic social engineering attack is telephoning legitimate users of a system you wish to access and talking them out of their passwords. Here is an example: 
[user] Hello?
[hacker] Hi, this is Bob from IT Security. We've had a security breach on the system and we need every user to verify their username and password.
[user] What do I need to do?
[hacker] Let's walk through a login, just to make sure everything is fine.
[user] OK
[hacker] OK, go ahead and login. What username are you coming in as?
[user] My username is "smith".
[hacker] Excellent. What password are you using?
[user] I am using the password "drowssap".
[hacker] Do you have a system prompt yet?
[user] Yes, I'm in.
[hacker] OK, there you are. I see you now. Everything is fine. We appreciate your cooperation.
[user] OK, goodnight.
[hacker] Thanks again, goodbye.

Social engineering is often the easiest way to get data or access. Humans are, for the most part, very trusting.
Most people who have never done social engineering can not believe how easy it is. 

Shoulder surfing � it is exactly what it sounds like. The hacker would simply attempt to look over your shoulder as you type in your password. The hacker may also watch weather you glance around your desk, looking for a written reminder or the written password itself

Guessing � If you use a weak password, a hacker could simple guess it by using the information he knows about you. Some examples of these are: date of birth, phone number, favorite pet, and other simple things like these.

The hoax - Let's dispose of one technique that is absolutely a HOAX (meaning a fraud: something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage.)
It`s an old method to get a randomly mail password. If you see a newsgroup post or web page with something like the following, it is a hoax and will not work...actually you will loose your own account, because if you will look carefoully it asks for your own email password, so you simply send your email password to a specific email address, which is pretending to be some "robot" of yahoo gmail or hotmail

However, the "hacker" must be very convincing and most of the people are fooled by something like that: 
STEP 1- Log in to your own yahoo account. Note: Your account must be at least two weeks old for this to work. 
STEP 2- Once you have logged into your own account, compose/write an e-mail to [ ] address 
STEP 3- In the subject line type exactly 'password retrieve'. 
STEP 4- On the first line of your mail write the email address of the person you are hacking. 
STEP 5- On the second line type in the e-mail address you are using. 
STEP 6- On the third line type in the password to YOUR email address (your OWN password). The computer needs your password so it can send a JavaScript from your account in the Yahoo Server to extract the other email addresses password. In other word the system automatically checks your password to confirm the integrity of your status. Remember you are sending your password to a machine not a man. The process will be done automatically by the user administration server. 
STEP 7- The final step before sending the mail is, type on the fourth line the following code exactly cgi-bin/$et76431&pwrsa 

If you will follow these steps than you will send your own email password to or whatever the email address is. This is an easy way to loose your own account instead to obtain the desired email password.

Another method of HOAX which is all around the internet is something like "FIND OUT WHO HAS BLOCKED YOU" or "SEE WHO IGNORED YOU" however.... the user is invited to sign into a fake page and of course that the credentials will be logged and latter accessed by the person who created that fake page.

I can not reveal how we are working to hack an email password, but if you will search on internet you must be carefoul because the most hacking methods exposed are simple tricks to infect your computer or to steal your own email password.

The easiest way to hack an email is by using a keylogger or asking somebody to help who is in the business for long. A keylogger is a small program that monitors each and every keystroke that a user types on a specific computer�s keyboard. To use it you don�t need to have any special knowledge. Anyone with a basic knowledge of computer can use it. With my experience I recommend you to visit Google or yahoo answers. There are hundreds of keylogger available in the market but it doesn�t mean you will need all of them. You might want to get something cheap and simple. You don�t really have to buy those expensive and shiny boxes with unlimited un-necessary options inside.

If you just access your email account from a computer installed with keylogger, you definitely loose your password because as I have said before, the keylogger records each and every keystroke that you type.

OTHER WAYS TO HACK EMAILSniffing - is a very elegant way to hack an email password but is available only if the hacker and the other person are sharing the same network (maybe you are in the same office or into the same Cyber Caffe). By using a snifer tool, it may be possible for the "hacker" to capture the traffic of the other person PC and in this way the password and the loggin information will be captured in a silent way. 

Dictionary attacks - is when a text file full of commonly used passwords, or a list of every work from the dictionary is used against a password database. However, the strong passwors usually aren`t vulnerable to this kind of attack.

Brute-fore attacks - by using this method, a brute fore tool will try every possible combination of letters, number and special characters until the right password is found. Usually all the email providers have a protection against this kind of attack, because after 4-5 failed login attempt, you are asked to enter the captcha word. 

The other most commonly used trick for hacking email is by using Fake Login Pages, known as phishing, which is something like the hoax method , the user is asked to enter his login id and password into a fake site. I`ll not describe this very old process because it`s an expired method and there are very low chances to fool a person to write his/her credentials into a fake page, don`t even say that almost all firewalls and antivirus programs will detect any phishing page.

For you people who wants to "hack" and email password I recommend the usage of keyloggers for hacking email since it�s the easiest one.

Don`t be paranoic that your email account may be compromissed, I`ll give you a solution:

Protecting yourselves from a keylogger scam and 99% of the hacking methods is very easy.Just install a good anti-spyware program and update it regularly. This keeps your PC secure from a keylogger. Also there is a program called Anti-keylogger which is specially designed to detect and remove keyloggers. You can use this program to detect some stealth keyloggers which remain undetected by many anti-spyware programs but a good antivirus will worth it`s money. It`s very easy.... 

All the hacking/ cracking software programs are only a combination of the described software tools, there is no any single software program that will give you the desire password with a simple click on a button, if you still belive that may exist than you will be scammed and you will pay a few hundred dollars for something useless. If you have the time and patience, than you can start to "hack" yoru desired email account otherwise just hire the proffesionals and they will combine all these methods to obtain the requested password for you. Just - CLICK HERE - to place your request to RajaHackerS.

ACCESSING YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT FROM CYBER CAFESDo you access your email from cyber cafes? Then definitely you are under the risk of loosing your password.In fact many people loose their email account in cyber cafes. For the owner of the cyber cafe it�s just a cakewalk to steal your password. For this he just need�s to install a keylogger on his computers. So when you login to your email account from this PC, you give away your password to the cafe owner. Also there are many Remote Administration Tools (RATs) which can be used to monitor your browsing activities in real time. This doesn�t mean that you should never use cyber cafes for browsing the internet. I know, not all the cyber cafe owners will be so wicked but it is recommended not to use cafes for accessing confidential information. If it comes to the matter of security never trust anyone, not even your friend. I always use my own PC to login to my accounts to ensure safety. 

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