Tuesday 12 November 2013

Fastest Method to Root any Android Phone Without a Computer

Fastest Method to Root any Android Phone Without a Computer

Rooting an android phone can be a time taking process . Today we are going to show you the Fastest way to Root almost any android phone without a computer .
Root android phone without computer Fastest Method to Root any Android Phone Without a Computer
Framaroot is a one click application that roots almost any android phone or device without the need of a Computer . Framaroot was developed by alephzain from The XDA forums . With one click this app can install the Superuser and Su binary on your phone . Framaroot currently supports phones with Android versions from 2.0 to 4.2 . This is one of the easiest and fastest rooting methods .
Read:  How to root any android phone  : Rooting  Guide collection for every phone ! 
Framaroot user six major and safe exploits to root your android phone . which are Gandalf , Boromir ,Sam, , Frodo , Aragorn and Gimli . I know you must be thinking from where did these characters from The Lord of the rings came into the world of Android .  these exploits must have been discovered by A LOTR  fan .
Everybody with an Android phone has got into a dilemma of whether to root their phone or not to . While The advantages of rooting are many but a single mistake can make your device an instant paperweight . Rooting an Android phone helps unlocks the many restrictions and unleash the full performance of a phone . After all you’ve paid with your hard earned money and you need to experience the best out of your Android device .
Since most manufacturers take a lot of time to release firmware updates on their android devices . You can use your rooted phone to enjoy custom roms with the latest version of android and many exciting features much before its is officially available on your phone .You can install the app in your android device and check out if it works  , The app wont brick your phone as it does not touch your kernel , nor flash anything .
Check the complete lists of phones supporting the Framaroot app in the end of the post and do check out the Advantages and Disadvantages of rooting an android device and the basic rooting terminology  before you proceed further .
IMPORTANT!  : Rooting your device will VOID your Android phone’s WARRANTY ! . I will not be responsible in any way .

Steps to root you android phone without a computer .

  • Step 1: Like to Download the Framaroot app to your phone or computer.

  • Step 2: Copy Framaroot from your computer to your phone memory
  • Step 3: Install Framaroot from the apk file
  • Step 4: Choose “install Superuser”  option inside Framaraoot
  • Step 5: Select any of the exploits that appears in the app and wait for some time .
  • Step 6: If you see a “Success  … Superuser and su binary installed. You have to reboot your device” message then you have successfully rooted your phone .
  • Step 7: If you see “Failed … Try another exploit if available”  message then try selecting another exploit .
Note: On My Galaxy S3 i had selected the third exploit in Framaroot , which is Aragorn exploit and it worked successfully .Framaroot also has an Unroot option , if you want to unroot your device later.
Screenshot 2013 07 28 04 50 12 Fastest Method to Root any Android Phone Without a Computer    Screenshot 2013 08 01 06 22 20 Fastest Method to Root any Android Phone Without a Computer
Download Root checker to verify if your phone is rooted or not .
Screenshot 2013 08 01 06 16 00 Fastest Method to Root any Android Phone Without a Computer

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